Monday 7 November 2011

Drop It Like It's Hot...

In the aftermath of a fire, it is always the embers which burn the hottest. Amidst scenes of great desolation, tiny fragments of that which raged relentlessly still remain.

This is Embers in a nutshell.

Formerly Lost Knives, minus their previous drummer and adapting a whole new direction, Embers early offerings are raw and ultimately, relentless.

The lineage of Manchester's music is well documented, and it's often cited that in Manchester, bleak is best. "It's grim up North" they say. Whoever 'they' are. This is what Manchester does best, it's not here to hold your hand, to tell you "everything's going to be alright."

The city itself has never had the glitz of London, or The Beatles, yet it carries on. Raging. Brooding. 'Days Turn Into Weeks' embodies this and threatens to be as vast and poignant as the material being released by The Horrors at the moment.

Dark, gothic and simmering away behind closed doors, Embers is a project that shows great potential. Keep your ear to the ground for the inevitable live bombardment as they aim to right the wrongs that came before them, and burn anew.

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